Smartphone; Dumb Deeds

Smartphone; Dumb Deeds

Smartphone; Dumb Deeds

You see that woman digging through her purse like a starving dog digging for a bone? I’ll bet you anything she’s in the throes of that particular kind of anxiety attack one has when one realizes her smartphone has gone missing. I’m very responsible with my phone, so I’ve never experienced it myself. But I know the symptoms when I see them.

If you listen closely, you may hear some colorful language, even from victims with no previous history of it—not that this particular victim has no previous history of it. If you shook her hand—not that she’s in the mood for that right now—you’d notice that it’s trembling. And, you can’t see this, but her heart is racing like she just ran twelve miles—not that she could.

Keep watching, and you’ll see her search her pockets, shopping bags, briefcase, or whatever else she’s carrying. Then she’ll expand her search to the pockets, shopping bags, and briefcases of anyone standing nearby.   

If the cell phone still isn’t located, and it probably won’t be, our now nearly hysterical victim will begin to order those around her to call my number. Did I say “my number?” I meant her number. Call her number and she’ll rush around, head cocked this way and that, listening carefully, and muttering that she’ll never silence her phone again, no matter how annoying it will be to everyone else when it goes off in church the next time.

She’s panicking not only about the cost of replacing her phone, but about how much she’s going to miss it now that it’s gone. Her very smart smartphone is so much more than a phone. She gets emails, texts, and two or three hundred notifications from Facebook on it every day. Whatever will she do without all that?

Her phone is also her alarm clock, calendar, camera, music source, calculator, flashlight, encyclopedia, and more. The thing has more uses than baking soda and duct tape combined. As much as she uses it, it’s a wonder she ever puts it down, but apparently she did. Unless she dropped it—in which case, it’s probably been run over in the parking lot by now.

Or maybe someone picked it up first. And maybe that someone is honest, and will make every attempt to return it. Or maybe that someone will not.

If she has any imagination at all—and it should be clear by now that she does—she thinks about how the thief will somehow manage to figure out her password. Then, with all the information that’s stored on her phone, he’ll take over her life and probably do a better job with it.

She begins to berate herself. How could she have been so careless—again? What to do? She decides she must retrace her steps. She reaches for her car keys and…what’s that? It’s her smartphone, right there where it’s been all along, in the bottom of my purse. I mean her purse. It’s right there in the bottom of her purse.  


Dorothy Rosby is a blogger and humor columnist whose column appears regularly in publications throughout the West and Midwest. She’s the author of four books of humorous essays all available locally at Mitzi’s Books in Rapid City and on Amazon.

Breathe… Breathe… Swear!

Breathe… Breathe… Swear!

Breathe… Breathe… Swear!

I go into my bedroom and close the door. I meditate almost daily in my effort to become a wiser, calmer and gentler person and the closed door is a signal to my family. If they disturb me, they’ll get a tongue lashing they’ll never forget.

I sit in a chair rather than on the floor in that pretzel pose you see in articles about meditation. That’s because my personal version of meditation lasts 20 minutes and it would take me that long just to get myself situated that way—and probably longer to get back up afterwards.

I set the timer on my smartphone to chime like monastery bells in 21 minutes. The extra minute is for settling down. Between you and me, it usually takes me longer than one minute.

I take a deep breath. And another one and…good gravy. These pants are cutting me in half. I squirm and tug, and in the process, my shirt gets all wadded up behind my back. I adjust it, then I push the hair out of my eyes, clear my throat, blow my nose, and scratch my chin. Dang it! Is that a whisker? I’ll get that little sucker later.

I begin to breathe deeply as I relax each part of my body starting at the top of my head and working my way down. I’ve just reached my forehead when my phone rings. I ignore it and breathe. It rings again. I breathe. It rings a third time. I breathe…and swear, but quietly…because of the meditation.

I get up and race for my phone. It could be important. It is. The caller informs me that her company is detecting a large amount of junk on my computer and that if I give her my credit card number she can take care of it for me. Thanks to the patience I’ve gained from meditating, I’m able to tell her that I too am detecting a large amount of junk—on my telephone! And, why doesn’t she get a real job? But I mean that in the nicest possible way.  

I go back to my room and re-situate myself. I breathe, relaxing my face, my neck, my right shoulder, my belly. My belly? That’s not right. But I’m hungry. What should I have for lunch? I don’t think I can bear that leftover meatloaf one more time. What crap that turned out to be!

Right arm, right hand, Cheetos. Cheetos? Those sound really good right now. Left shoulder, left arm, left…canary?

My canary has started singing loudly in the next room. Fortunately one of the fruits of meditation is acceptance and I accept that I cannot reason with a canary. I get up, go close the door to the office where we keep the cage, then go back to my room.             

Where was I? Left hand? Right leg? I better run to the store today. I think we’re running low on bird seed. Breathe. Breathe. We probably need kitty litter too. And Cheetos.

Meditation teaches focus and I focus…on kitty litter, bird seed and Cheetos. Breathe. Breathe.

And then…the chiming wakes me up. Meditation is exhausting.


Dorothy Rosby is a blogger and humor columnist whose column appears regularly in publications throughout the West and Midwest. She’s the author of four books of humorous essays all available locally at Mitzi’s Books in Rapid City and on Amazon

Traveling by Stage

Traveling by Stage

Traveling by Stage

If you’re like me, and I always feel better if someone else is, the length of time you need to pack for a trip is just slightly less than the length of time you have available to do it in. You start out in the “I have all the time and room I need to pack whatever will make me feel at home while I’m away” phase of your journey. You still don’t want to do it though. 

So your packing begins as a leisurely, disorganized ritual, but soon degenerates into the “I have to get this done. Wait. Did I remember socks?” stage of your trip. That’s exactly what’s going through your mind as you sit on your suitcase, trying to zip it. You finally give up and toss some things out. You won’t discover until later that you really need some of them—your pants, for example.

A similar situation arises when you pack your car. You do a fabulous job. You’re proud of yourself, and you should be. Everyone’s luggage fits. Unfortunately, the trunk won’t close. Worse; you discover that you forgot to leave space for some very important items: your passengers.

You take some things out of the car, rearrange, and put them back in—most of them anyway. You won’t realize until you reach your destination, exhausted and ready to rest, that your spouse’s suitcase is sitting forlornly in your driveway, waiting for your return.  

But that’s the furthest thing from your mind as you drive away from home. That’s because you’ve entered the “Did I lock the front door?” stage of your vacation, though locking the front door doesn’t begin to cover everything you’re imagining. As you get farther and farther from home, you start to wonder if someone left the space heater on, even though no one in the family has used it since December, and it’s now June.

Then you wonder if you left the water running in the bathroom sink, even though you’ve never left the water running before. But, two hours from home, you’re convinced that you did, and that you probably left the drain plugged too, though you rarely plug the drain. You’re sure that by this time water is pouring over the side of the sink and it will be for the duration of your trip. This is exactly the kind of stress that makes vacations so important.

You resist the urge to turn back so eventually you arrive safely at your destination. But you can’t relax yet. You’re now entering the, “Who cares if I left the water running; I think I forgot to pack pants,” phase of your trip.

You dig through any baggage you remembered to bring—including the cooler. In that last minute rush to finish packing, anything could have happened) Then you dig through it all again. And again. No pants! Plus, after all the digging, your suitcase looks like your laundry basket back home. Living out of a suitcase is hard enough; living out of a laundry basket is even harder, though I’m not sure why. You’ve been doing it for years.

Despite everything, you’re having a pleasant vacation. It would be even better if you weren’t spending so much of it shopping for everything you left behind and better still if your spouse didn’t keep reminding you of the fact.

At last it’s time to head home. You’re now entering the final stages of your journey: the “It all fit in the car before. Why doesn’t it fit now?” phase. It will be several more hours before you enter the “Did anyone remember to grab my suitcase?” stage. 


Dorothy Rosby is a blogger and humor columnist whose column appears regularly in publications throughout the West and Midwest. She’s the author of four books of humorous essays all available locally at Mitzi’s Books in Rapid City and on Amazon

Celebrating the Finder in Chief

Celebrating the Finder in Chief


Celebrating the Finder in Chief

This essay is dedicated to all those mothers who worry that if they leave town, their family will have to go next door to use the bathroom because they won’t know where to find more toilet paper when the roll is empty.

On Mother’s Day we celebrate not only all that mothers are and do, but all they know. Moms know the health history, food preferences, idiosyncrasies, sleep habits, social calendar and work schedule of every member of the family. They know everyone’s birth weight, birth date and birthday cake preference. And they know the whereabouts of clothing, electronics, textbooks and other paraphernalia dropped by family members who go through the house shedding belongings like overdressed tourists in the desert.

With so much to remember it’s no wonder mothers occasionally put wet clothes in the dryer and forget to turn it on. It’s no wonder they sometimes put the cereal in the refrigerator and the milk in the cupboard. And it’s no wonder they try six names before they get to the one belonging to the person they’re speaking to.

Moms simply have too much on their minds. They know too much. Let’s focus on one aspect of this great knowledge: a mother’s amazing instinct for knowing the whereabouts of every family member’s belongings, or at least their unshakeable belief that she does. Mom is the Finder in Chief for the whole family.

Every third sentence she hears from other family members begins with, “Have you seen my…,” as in, “Have you seen my sweatshirt, cell phone, math homework or half-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich?” Sometimes there’s an edge to the question, as though the asker really means, “What did you do with my sweatshirt, cell phone, math homework or half-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich?” They never ask that way though. They may not know where to find anything in the house but they do know it’s bad manners to insult the locals before you ask for directions.

 The Finder in Chief also has exclusive knowledge of the location of all necessities stored in the home. Family members who go through entire rolls of paper towels daily will do without them until Mom gets more from the pantry, or the basement or wherever they’ve been stored since the family moved into their home fifteen years ago. Tissue boxes will remain empty on the shelf until she goes to the cupboard for new ones, even if everyone in the family has a cold.

 Children who are normally diligent about handwashing will do without soap until Mom refills the soap dispenser. They simply do not know where these things are. Or at least they pretend they don’t because mom always comes through.

Being the Finder in Chief can be exhausting, which may help to explain the great irony of the job. A mother who has reloaded all the paper product dispensers in the house, then located a missing shoe in the back seat of the car, a science worksheet under the couch and a contact lens in the carpet, will not be able to find her own car keys. And there’s no one to help her.

Here is my wish for all you Finders in Chief on Mother’s Day. May you eventually manage to impart your great wisdom and skill to your family. But on Mother’s Day at least, might no one ask for it. May you put the milk in the refrigerator and the cereal in the cupboard. And may you find your reading glasses, or your other black shoe or whatever it is you’re missing. Better yet, may some kind family member find it for you.


Dorothy Rosby is a blogger and humor columnist whose column appears regularly in publications throughout the West and Midwest. She’s the author of four books of humorous essays all available locally at Mitzi’s Books in Rapid City and on Amazon

In Search of Stuff

In Search of Stuff

In Search of Stuff

I read once that the average American will spend 153 days of their life searching for misplaced belongings—car keys, shoes, homework. There are days I can’t find my sofa.

Being above average, I’ve already used my 153 days, and quite possibly yours as well. In an effort to keep my remaining time free for more important activities, I did some research and came up with the following list of rules to live by.

1) The less stuff you have, the easier it is to find the stuff you’re looking for. That’s why, whenever you get something new, you should get rid of something old, the only exception being children. (The rule does, however, apply to spouses.)

2) Likewise, if you don’t desperately need it or absolutely love it, don’t buy it. If it’s too late and you already have it, don’t keep it. Unload it on someone who doesn’t pay any heed to my advice. (It should be fairly easy to find someone like that.)

3) Touch mail only once. At our house, junk mail arrives by truckload daily. Sometimes we open it; quite often we do not. Either way, it winds up in front of our toaster, where it serves to absorb any butter that drops while we’re making toast. Occasionally we sort it, open some, discard some—and put the rest back in a heap by the telephone so it’s there the next time we feel like doing the whole thing over again.

Weeks pass: mail accumulates. Then something happens, for example, our lights are turned off, and we discover by candlelight that the light bill has been buried under a foot of advertising flyers and credit card applications, each of them nicely buttered and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. This could all be prevented if we would learn to pay it, file it or toss it immediately with tossing being the preferred choice.

4) If you’re going to have a place for everything and everything in its place, it’s important you make it the same place all the time. I won’t mention any names, but someone I’m married to doesn’t put things away. He puts them somewhere else—until he has time to put them away. Or until I do it for him.

If you have a similar system, you’ve probably discovered that when it comes time to use a particular object, you will have forgotten that you didn’t put it in its proper place, although, for many of us, that should be a given. When you don’t find it where it should be, you ask your spouse, “Where is it?” in that tone that really means, “Where did you put it?”

After a heated argument, you will remember that, as usual, you put it somewhere until you could get around to putting it away, which you never actually did. Then, not only will you have to apologize to your spouse; you will have to look in all of the places you normally put things until you have time to put them away. You can see how putting things in their proper place right away actually saves time, even if you have to borrow a ladder from the neighbor, carry it across the street and up two flights of stairs and crawl into the attic to do it.

5) And finally, if after following all the rules, you still manage to lose something important, don’t spend more than ten minutes looking for it. Give up for now, trusting that it will eventually reappear, probably when you’re looking for something else. It could be years from now, which may be too late for your child to turn in her math homework, but it will show up.

I’m counting on this, not only because I’ve already used 153 days of my life looking for misplaced “stuff,” but also because I haven’t seen my cellphone in three days.


Dorothy Rosby is a blogger and humor columnist whose column appears regularly in publications throughout the West and Midwest. She’s the author of four books of humorous essays all available locally at Mitzi’s Books in Rapid City and on Amazon.

Fake it ’Til you Make It

Fake it ’Til you Make It

Fake it ’Til you Make It

The secret to career success can be summed up in six little words: Fake It ’Til You Make It. I’ve read many Fake-It-’Til-You-Make-It tips in business publications, and while it should be fairly obvious that none of them have worked for me, I’m going to share them with you anyway.

            First of all, you must dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Or, to put it another way, look the part, even if you don’t have the part. I’m quite happy with the job I have, but I work at home which is lucky. My dress code in my home office could give the impression that I’d like to teach aerobics for a living.

            You’ll also want to appear busy and in demand, even if you aren’t. That’s why you should never admit that your appointment book is empty. When trying to set up an appointment with a colleague, study your blank calendar, shake your head, and say, “Hmmmm…no… But I might be able to stop by at 10 o’clock on Tuesday. But to be safe, let’s make it 10:15 or even 10:16.” You can see how that would inspire more confidence in a potential business associate than if you said, “My week is wide open. In fact, other than a dentist appointment on Wednesday, I don’t have a single thing going.”

            On your way up the corporate ladder, you’ll eventually find yourself dining in the presence of other successful people—or fakers, as the case may be. Nothing I read on the subject put it quite this way, but I think the rule for business dining is the same as for dining on a first date: Never order anything that comes with a wet wipe.

            A small amount of messiness in your office implies friendliness, but too much clutter may cause your visitors to believe you don’t care what they think—which may be true. On the other hand, too clean of an office conveys coldness as well as the impression that you don’t have enough work to do, the danger being that a co-worker might give you some of hers.

            Walking too slowly in the workplace also gives the impression that you don’t have enough to do. I’ve already discussed why you don’t want anyone thinking that. 

On the other hand, running around like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off may give the impression that you’re disorganized and have no authority, since, as you know, chickens have almost no say in the workplace.

Still I find this tip confusing. Ask yourself how Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey walk into their offices. I’m pretty sure the answer is any way they want to.

            Speak up at meetings. Career experts say that employees who speak up first at meetings are seen as more self-confident than those who make comments at the end. I guess it’s best to jump right in. Talk about your weekend if that’s all you can think of.

            Finally, experts agree, you should start earlier and work later than the boss. That means that around 4:30 every afternoon, you should ask your supervisor, “What time do you think you’ll be leaving today? And any idea when you’ll be here in the morning?”


Dorothy Rosby is a blogger and humor columnist whose column appears regularly in publications throughout the West and Midwest. She’s the author of four books of humorous essays all available locally at Mitzi’s Books in Rapid City and on Amazon.