Fashion Tips for the Disheveled
Fashion Tips for the Disheveled
There are three people in line behind me as I pay and head for the door. Are they looking at me funny? I get in my car, lean my head against the headrest, and what the…? On no! There is a giant, red Velcro roller in my hair! I curse, toss it into the back seat, and head to work.
A co-worker takes one look at me and says, “Come here!” I do as I’m told and she spins me around. “I know,” I say. “My hair is a mess.” I start to tell her what happened, but she interrupts to say, “Your skirt is unzipped.” Oh.
I have just violated my first rule of fashion: Always remember you have a backside.
I wish I was making that story up, but it’s true. It’s also not that unusual. You may wonder what other fashion rules someone who dresses like me could possibly have. So here they are:
- If you want to see community leaders, an old boyfriend or the pope himself go to the grocery store wearing no make-up, baggy sweatpants and a t-shirt that says, “Real women sweat.”
- If you come home with a new hairstyle and your husband says he likes it, thank him. If he says he doesn’t like it, blame your stylist. If he doesn’t notice it at all, it’s a good day to go out and buy a new outfit.
- When you find pants that fit, buy a pair in every color. But when you buy socks, buy two pairs in the samecolor. That way when they start going wherever socks go when they go on the lam, you’ll still have one pair—at least for a while.
- Encourage your family to do the laundry but keep a secret stash of clothes that only you wash. That prevents your sweaters from being washed in hot and dried on high. Nobody needs that many potholders.
- I don’t care what anyone says. It’s okay to wear socks with your sandals if the sandals are the kind that stick to your feet and cause you to make a thwacking sound as you walk.
- High heels are dangerous and if I can convince even one woman to stop wearing them, my life will not have been in vain.
- No matter what you’ve heard, it’s fine to wear white in the winter—unless you’re the type who spills. Then you should never wear it. In case you’re wondering, I don’t wear white.
- Have at least three pairs of jeans: one for yard work, one for every day and one for dress up. That’s what I do. The pair I wear for yard work is the most comfortable, but I wear them the least because they’re ugly and I don’t like doing yard work. I wear the second pair most because they’re comfortable, they can be seen in public and they don’t make me think of manual labor. When they wear out, I’ll use them for yard work too, though I can’t see me needing two pairs for that. The dress-up pair looks the best on me, but I have to lie on the bed to zip them—ever since my husband washed them.
Dorothy Rosby is a blogger and humor columnist whose column appears regularly in publications throughout the West and Midwest. She’s the author of four books of humorous essays all available locally at Mitzi’s Books in Rapid City and on Amazon.