December is here and with it the magic of the holiday season is upon us.   Everywhere we go the festive sights and sounds of the season are all around us.  To many, Christmas is the most wonderful and happiest season of all.  We spend hours shopping for the perfect gift for that someone special, baking, decorating and preparing for this special holiday.

Christmas can also be a time of sadness.

The inability to purchase that special present for their children, family or friends or loneliness from being separated from family and friends, While for others, sitting down to a big Christmas dinner may be only a wish and not a reality.

So, this year as you are preparing for the holidays, make the time to give a gift of kindness, it may be all that someone needs to make their holiday season a little brighter. Here are several ways to show an act of kindness during this giving season.

  1. Drop money into the Salvation’s Army basket or purchase a small gift for an unknown child.
  2. Take a plate of fresh-baked Christmas cookies to a shut-in.
  3. Invite someone over to share Christmas dinner with you who might otherwise have spent the day alone.
  4. Send a card to a friend who you haven’t kept in contact with just to let them know you are thinking of them.
  5. Fill a box with all of the trimmings for a Christmas dinner and give to a family in need.

In return for your gift of kindness, you will be rewarded tenfold with a grateful smile and a heartfelt thank you.  I know, I have been the receiver of such a gift, it was not only the best gift that I received that year, but it has become a treasured memory of three small boys overjoyed at the receiving of a simple gift….a Christmas tree.

Happy Holidays to each and every one of you and blessing for a bright and happy New Year!

Peggy Hettick, Treasurer Elect
Quality Medical Legal Consulting, LLC