September is the back to school and get back into the routine month.  It’s often filled with busy school schedules, kids activities, and squeezing the last bit of sunshine before fall arrives.  Not to mention our work lives of owning a business, working for a local business, or a part time side hustle as well as our volunteer opportunities.  We can run ourselves out of time and energy.  So here are a few tips to take care of YOU!

  1. Get plenty of rest.
  2. Eat a balanced diet and allow yourself a treat at times.
  3. Practice saying no.  And if this is difficult for you, use the standard line of “I’ll have to get back to you on that” to buy yourself time to think about if you want to commit to what is being asked of you.
  4. Exercise regularly as it relieves stress and releases endorphins (feel good) in your brain.  Sex does the same thing.
  5. Spend time with the people you enjoy spending time participating in activities you like.
  6. Spend some time by yourself, even if it’s locking the bathroom door while you shower.
  7. Do something nice for yourself every day and you get to pick what that is.
  8. Spend time with your girlfriends.  There is nothing better to pick you up that spending time laughing and enjoying good conversation with girlfriends.  Wine helps too.
  9. Eliminate people and things in our lives that are negative, toxic, and draining.  You deserve better and you are worth it.
  10. Put yourself first and give yourself permission to be “selfish” in this area.  You have to be filled up before you can pour into others.  Give it a try. And you’re not really being selfish.  You are loving yourself and modeling that to others.

I hope you all have a great month getting back into the school and structured routines that fall brings every year.  Take care of you by putting yourself first.  You are worth it!