Maximizing First Impressions
Are we getting too casual in our work attire? Research suggests we are. An article by Robert Half at reports that 4% of accounting and finance employees dress very formal, 21% somewhat formal, 61% somewhat casual, and 13% very casual.
The topic of how teachers dress was discussed by author Harry Wong in his book The First Day of School.
Another recent research article by PayScale called Style vs. Salary reports that those folks in the category of business formal made higher incomes.
It is interesting that attention is being placed on how people dress in their industries. Is it because we know that in seconds those first impressions of a person are being formed? Is there concern that the manner in which people dress gives a message that they don’t care? Not caring about self, does it also indicate not caring for the customer? I find it interesting that the formal attire folks make more money but our attire is becoming more casual. So how does that work?
When I research information on 1st impressions, there is a lot of info on dressing corporate or professional, but very little on what’s business casual. We do know that every industry has some input into people’s dress code. Different careers require different presentations. Some industries make it easy for people, as they have a uniform; therefore, they do not have to think about their clothing choices. What about those industries that leave the dress code up to your “own judgement” or “within reason.” That can leave choices wide open. Unfortunately, situations like that can result in one or two people dressing poorly and it sets a tone for a whole business.
My experience has been that people don’t really know appropriate business dress. They allow themselves to be influenced by the media, friends, and family. That can be interesting! In the professional world is much more difficult for women than men. For example, men have traditionally worn suits, which is their “uniform.†Women on the other hand have many choices out there and dressing becomes challenging. Ladies, you get judged far more than men.
I have a few tips to dress for success in business:
- Determine what color is best on you. I believe that the foundation to image is color. Have you have ever had anyone say to you “are you feeling ok?” when you feel fine? It’s possible that the color you’re wearing may cause you to look tired or haggard. Learn what flatters you.
- Style is unique to each of you. Discover your personal style, as it will give you confidence and a great feeling of knowing you look amazing. It is nice to know how and what to wear for occasions.
- It is always better to dress a step up vs. a step down.
- If you own a business or work for a company, wear what reflects your brand. Brands reflect value systems, color, a message of who you are and want others to see in you.
- As a business owner, I suggest you take responsibility for defining appropriate dress for your company. Many entrepreneurs will utilize a business coach. Likewise, it’s sometimes worth the investment for an image consultant.
1st impressions can be lasting impressions. It’s worth your time and investment to consider the impression you’re making.
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