The Networker

A Smarter, Fitter, Slimmer, More Organized You in 2024

A Smarter, Fitter, Slimmer, More Organized You in 2024

Isn’t New Year’s Day magical? Every January 1, we wake up with a glorious feeling that anything is possible! Overnight we have the power to change ourselves and our life. This is the year we finally become the person we’ve always wanted to be. And then…comes January 2.

Paltry Poultry

Paltry Poultry

Most Thanksgivings, you’ll find my husband and one of my brothers at our dinner table gnawing on turkey legs like a couple of peasants at a renaissance festival.

Smashing Success at the Press Club

Smashing Success at the Press Club

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Naturally that makes me think back fondly to my first mammogram many years ago—the same way one might think back fondly to their first root canal.

Seriously though, thanks to my first very kind and efficient mammogram technician…

You Should Ban the Bully

You Should Ban the Bully

When I woke up Monday morning, the first thing I said to myself was, “What did you do all weekend? You didn’t finish the laundry. I know that!”
Not, “Have a wonderful day!” Not, “Do great things…

Character-Building a Crock

Character-Building a Crock

I lost my cellphone…again. It wasn’t in my purse and it wasn’t in the booth I was sitting in. I could think of only two other possibilities and they both invoked fear and trembling. Either it had been stolen by someone with a lot of contacts outside my calling circle or it was lost in the landfill—the one inside my car.

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