Vanessa Rotoni, President | Shasta Moreno, Vice President | Kassie McDuff, Treasurer | Michele Blake, Secretary | Spencer Gossel, Treasurer-Elect


Women’s Network of Rapid City (WNRC) is a growing and vibrant community of women who support and encourage each other in our businesses. We promote professional and personal growth and development for our members.

In addition to our monthly luncheon, we offer members-only networking events and activities. 

WNRC also sets aside scholarship money for members who are continuing their career-related education. Women’s Network $250 Scholarships are awarded once a year. Current members seeking financial assistance for professional related conventions, trainings, seminars, etc. can request a scholarship application from one of our board members. 

Upcoming event:

Second Wednesday of Every Month
11:45AM to 1:00PM

Pure Bean Coffee, 324 ST. JOSEPH

Women’s Network of Rapid City meets the second Wednesday of every month for lunch at 11:45! 

We’re currently meeting at Pure Bean Coffee, 324 St. Joseph St. in Rapid City.

No need to RSVP. Simply arrive with a smile! 

Purchase a coffee and/or lunch at the front counter, then head to the back room for networking, encouragement, and our monthly speakers and table-talk! 

Join our email list for a reminder each month. 

The Networker 

Fashion Tips for the Disheveled

There are three people in line behind me as I pay and head for the door. Are they looking at me funny? I get in my car, lean my head against the headrest, and what the…? On no! There is a giant, red Velcro roller in my hair! I curse, toss it into the back seat, and...

No Way to Start the New Year

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No Elephants Were Harmed in the Making of this Essay

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No Way to Start the New Year

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No Elephants Were Harmed in the Making of this Essay

There’s a big box in my guest room containing one redneck coloring book (never used), four pink flamingos (brand-new), one wrench beer opener (still...

Waiting Tables Teaches Life Lessons

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